ICD-10, a dynamic musical force founded in 2013, consisting of Henning Hinck and Thorsten Felix, has swiftly carved its niche in the electronic music scene.
Specializing in rhythmic noise and techno, the duo…
Equally as revered as they are an anathema to audiences worldwide, the oppressive noise wall crafted by Kollaps has cemented the band in the history books of industrial music. Kollaps’ live shows are known for their…
Meet MATT HART, an accomplished industrial/dark electro musician hailing from London,UK. His journey into the realm of electronic and industrial music began to take shape in 2005, culminating in his debut release in…
Divine Shade – cold wave with a touch of electronics
A rock band with variable geometry imagined by the french musician Ren Toner, Divine Shade is a combination of styles and influences inspired by cold wave culture with a touch…