Infest 2017: Charity Donation FINAL FIGURES!

Hello everyone,

We have some ASTOUNDING news to share with you! We are always stunned by the generosity of the Infest family but this year was very special.

…the official certificates have arrived

We have generated a huge fund this year, in particular from the Tea & Cake sale in memory of our much loved compère, Tails. Thank you SO much to all of the bakers who donated, and of course munchers who contributed in cash and good cheer.

Life & Limb, Literally!

An extra special thank you to Simon Barber, who risked life and limb (literally!) by participating in the Edinburgh Ironman Triathlon earlier this year. By all accounts, swimming the Forth was a truly terrifying feat. Thanks also to his employer The Royal Bank of Scotland, for doubling his donation to Mind. Simon has generated over £1000 all on his own!


If you enjoyed some of our Jägermeister and BARR’s Soft Drink-based product, entered our massive charity raffle, or were on our guestlist. If you kindly donated in ANY way, then you’ve helped realise this HUGE charity fund. THANK YOU.

We’ve counted all of the cash donated and Infest Festival have DOUBLED it, to make a whopping:


Well done!

– The Infest Crew