Infest 2018: Our Chosen Charities This Year
Once again we will be supporting a number of charities at this year’s event:
Guide Dogs Yorkshire Cancer Research Bradford Samaritans
Read on to find out more…Yorkshire Cancer Research
In collaboration with our friends and fellow noise-mongers at…Infest 2018: Don’t leave it too late!
Hello all!
News has recently reached us that a local Pub B&B that is frequented by Infest-goers is closing down after July. If you have a booking at “the Westleigh Hotel” we urge you to contact them.
Good news, however!…
Infest 2018: DJ Announcement #1
Greetings Infest fans. Let’s hear it for the first of our confirmed DJs!
DJ KOHL – UK – !!10th ANNIVERSARY SET!! Stomping his signature style all over the Industrial / Fetish / Hard Dance / Hardstyle scenes… Expect an unforgettable…Infest 2018: Iszoloscope CONFIRMED!
Since the beginning, a distinguishing feature of iszoloscope has been the addition of rich layers of unexpected and intelligent elements over a solid core of industrial, hard-core, break-core and rhythmic noise. Founded in Canada as a collaboration between radio DJ’s…