INFEST 2024 – ICD-10 confirmed!

ICD-10 perform rhythmic noise with techno beats

ICD-10, a dynamic musical force founded in 2013, consisting of Henning Hinck and Thorsten Felix, has swiftly carved its niche in the electronic music scene.

Specializing in rhythmic noise and techno, the duo delivers a driving and hard-hitting sound that captivates audiences with its intensity and precision.

Signed to Hands Productions

Signed under the esteemed HANDS label, ICD-10 has become synonymous with innovation in the fusion of rhythmic noise elements and techno beats.

Pushing Boundaries

With a sound that pushes boundaries and challenges conventions, this German duo has solidified their reputation as a powerhouse in the world of electronic music, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.

All ICD-10 links are HERE